البحث العلمي
سنة النشر Publication year |
البحوث المنشورة Published Research Articles |
2021 |
Dastgeer, G., Khalid, K, (2021) Understanding the impact of manager’s political skills on compassion behavior towards colleges: a glams from banking sector of Pakistan. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 27(1), 311-322. |
2021 |
Abbas, M., Abbasi, S. G., Dastgeer, G., Hanif, A., Ashraf, M. (2021). Factors Causing Consumer Resistance to Innovation by Applying Resistance to Innovation Theory. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 12(2) |
2021 |
Humayon, E., Dastgeer, G., Akhtar, S., Abbasi, S. G., Sarwar S. (2021). Empowering Leadership and Career Future Inventory: Mediated-Moderated Model. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 12(2) |
2020 |
Abbasi, S., Abbasi, U., Dastgeer, G., Khizar, U. and Arshad, R. (2020) Exposure to social media and organizational citizenship behavior: role of perceived risk and stress. Palarch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 17(8), 247-262 |
2020 |
Ilyas, M., Muneer, S.., & Tripathi, A. 2020. Analyzing Building blocks of Organizational Trust and Openness during change Process in Saudi Arabia’s Telecom Sector. Polish Journal of Management Studies. Vol. 21(1) pp 173-185. |
2020 |
Tripathi, A. 2020. Exploring the Nexus among the Social Sustainable Performance chain practices and Operation Performance: Does the Long term Orientation Matter. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences and Technologies. Vol. 11(9). |
2020 |
Gupta, S. and Tripathi, A. 2020. Performance Measurement of Micro and Small-Scale Enterprises in Developing Countries – A Study in Ethiopia. SMART Journal of Business Management Studies. 16(1), 55-63. |
2020 |
Tripathi, A. 2020. The Integration of Supply Chain in the Core Company Strategy: The Moderating Role of Supply Chain Uncertainty. SMART Journal of Business Management Studies. 16(1), 43-54. |
2020 |
Sadhna M. “A Review on the Progress of Renewable Energy Investments in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries Concerning Saudi Arabia” Accepted in the Indian Journal of Natural Sciences (IJONS) Vol-10/Issue 61/August 2020(ISI Index) |
2020 |
Tahreem K. (2020). The usage of Social media tools by Islamic banks in Pakistan and the UAE." Media literacy and Academic Research. Vol.3, No.2. Dec. |
2020 |
Rehman, A. (2020). Innovations in Education Management: Impact of Emotional Intelligence and Demographic Variables on Occupational Stress among University Teachers. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 3, 170-180. |
2020 |
Rehman, A. (2020). Innovation and Management by Regional Rural Banks in Achieving the Dream of Financial Inclusion in India: Challenges and Prospects. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 222-234. http://doi.org/10.21272/mmi.2020.1-18 (Indexed in ISI-ESCI). |
2020 |
Rehman, A., Abbasi, F.A. (2020). Impacts of Foreign direct investment on Indian retail bazaar: An empirical study. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 11(6). |
2020 |
Alreshoodi, S. A. (2020). A Granulated Exploration of Public Service Career Choice Motivations in Saudi Arabia: A Test of Self-Determination Theory and Public Service Motivations. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 11 (16), 11A16P, 1-11. |
2020 |
Almas Sabir , Kaouther Znaidi, Mir Nimer Abdul Qayum “Endeavor Agility on Consumption Value through Affirming an Acceptable Degree of Utilization Esteem for New Items“- International Journal of Economics and Business Administration Volume VIII, Issue 2, 2020 |
2020 |
Almas Sabir , Kaouther Znaidi &Nimer Qayum Mir “The appraisal prepared for keeping an eye out for the upkeep of twenty to thirty-year-olds representatives of Indian endeavors in Delhi: An advancing test looked by different associations over the globe”. Cogent Business & Management Volume 7, 2020 - Issue 1 - 24 Aug 2020 |
2021 |
Alfakih, K. A. A., Saraih, U. N., Al-Shammari, S. A., Abdulrab, M., Ur Rehman, A., & Al-Mamary, Y. H. (2021). Determinants of the Malaysian Cars Brand Loyalty: Mediating Effect of Brand Satisfaction. Journal of Industrial Integration and Management. |
2020 |
Rehman, A., Abbasi, F.A. (2020). Impacts of Foreign direct investment on Indian retail bazaar: An empirical study. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 11(6). |
2020 |
Alreshoodi, S. A. (2020). A Granulated Exploration of Public Service Career Choice Motivations in Saudi Arabia: A Test of Self-Determination Theory and Public Service Motivations. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 11 (16), 11A16P, 1-11. |
2020 |
Rehman, A., Abbasi, F.A. (2020). Impacts of Foreign direct investment on Indian retail bazaar: An empirical study. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 11(6). |
2020 |
Alreshoodi, S. A. (2020). A Granulated Exploration of Public Service Career Choice Motivations in Saudi Arabia: A Test of Self-Determination Theory and Public Service Motivations. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 11 (16), 11A16P, 1-11. |
2020 |
Almas Sabir , Kaouther Znaidi, Mir Nimer Abdul Qayum “Endeavor Agility on Consumption Value through Affirming an Acceptable Degree of Utilization Esteem for New Items“- International Journal of Economics and Business Administration Volume VIII, Issue 2, 2020 |
2020 |
Almas Sabir , Kaouther Znaidi &Nimer Qayum Mir “The appraisal prepared for keeping an eye out for the upkeep of twenty to thirty-year-olds representatives of Indian endeavors in Delhi: An advancing test looked by different associations over the globe”. Cogent Business & Management Volume 7, 2020 - Issue 1 - 24 Aug 2020 |
2021 |
Alfakih, K. A. A., Saraih, U. N., Al-Shammari, S. A., Abdulrab, M., Ur Rehman, A., & Al-Mamary, Y. H. (2021). Determinants of the Malaysian Cars Brand Loyalty: Mediating Effect of Brand Satisfaction. Journal of Industrial Integration and Management. |
2022 |
RT Naveed, H Alhaidan, H Al Halbusi, AK Al-Swidi (2022) Do organizations really evolve? The critical link between organizational culture and organizational innovation toward organizational effectiveness. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 7 (2), 100178. |
2022 |
M Alshallaqi, H Al Halbusi, M Abbas, H Alhaidan (2022). Resistance to Digital Innovation in Low-Income Populations: The Case of University Student’s Resistance to Using Digital Productivity Applications Frontiers in Psychology, 5547 |
2022 |
H Al Halbusi, H Alhaidan, F Abdelfattah, T Ramayah, JH Cheah (2022). Exploring social media adoption in small and medium enterprises in Iraq: pivotal role of social media network capability and customer involvement Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 1-18 |
2021 |
Ilyas, M., Siddiqui, A.A., Afroze, E., Al-Enizy, A.S. and Alam, M.K., 2021. Developmental Disabilities in the Arab World. |
2020 |
Ilyas, M., Siddiqui A.A., Afroze.E., Al-Enazy, S. (2020) Mental health and well-being of refugees. Health Care in Arab World by Springer Nature |
2020 |
Alam.M., Siddika.A.,Ab.Rahman.,Siddiqui, A., Ilyas, M. (2020). Craniofacial characteristics of Saudi Adult. Health Care in Arab World by Springer Nature |
2020 |
Siddiqui AA, Alshammary F, Amin J, Rathore HA, Hassan I, Ilyas, M, Alam MK. Knowledge and practice regarding prevention of COVID-19 among the Saudi Arabian population. Work. 2020;66(4):767-775. |
2020 |
Freah Alshammary, Ammar Ahmed Siddiqui*, Junaid Amin, Muhammad Ilyas, Hassaan Anwer Rathore, Ibne Hassan, Mohammad Khursheed Alam and Mohammad Amjad Kamal, “Prevention Knowledge and Its Practice Towards COVID-19 Among General Population of Saudi Arabia: A Gender-based Perspective”, Current Pharmaceutical Design (2020) 26: 1 |
2020 |
Junaid Amin, Ammar Ahmed Siddiqui, Mohammad Ilyas, Freah Alshammary, Mohammad, Khursheed Alam, Hassaan Anwer Rathore. Quarantine ad Hygienic Practices about Combating Contagious Disease like COVID-19 and Islamic perspective. JCR. 2020; 7(13): 3697-3705. |
2020 |
Ilyas, M., 2020. Gender Role Stereotyping and Entrepreneurial intention among Saudi Females. ITJEMAST (2020) 11 (9):2228-9860. |
2020 |
Meirun, T., Bano, S., Javaid, M.U., Arshad, M.Z., Shah, M.U., Rehman, U., Parvez, Z.A. and Ilyas, M., 2020. Nuances of COVID-19 and Psychosocial Work Environment on Nurses’ Wellbeing: The Mediating Role of Stress and Eustress in Lieu to JD-R Theory. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. |
2020 |
Ilyas, M., 2020. Explaining the Antecedent to and Intention of Setting up A Small Business among the Foreign Nationals in KSA: Mediating Role of Social Networking. Pacific Business Review International (2020) 12 (10): 0974-438X. |
2020 |
Alshammary, F., Alsadoon, B.K., Altamimi, A.A., Ilyas, M., Siddiqui, A.A., Hassan, I. and Alam, M.K., 2020. Perceptions towards Use of Electronic Dental Record at a Dental College, University of Hail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, 21(10), p.1106. |
2020 |
Rathore, H.A., Hassan, I., Ilyas, M., Alam, M.K., Amin, J., Alshammary, F. and Siddiqui, A.A., 2020. Psychological impact of COVID-19 lockdown on general population of Hail, Saudi Arabia. Medical Science, 24(106), pp.4682-4688. |
2021 |
Alshammari S, Singh A (2021), Uoh business administration college students’ perception of their learning experiences, for competency building, through studentcentered, learning approach, SMART Journal of Business Management Studies,17-2, 65-74, Print ISSN: 0973-1598. Online ISSN : 2321-2012. (ISI indexed). |
2020 |
Ilyas, M., Muneer, S. and Tripathi, A., 2020. Analyzing building blocks of organizational trust and openness during change process in Saudi Arabia's telecom sector. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 21(1): 20817452. (Scopus Q2, WOS. |
2020 |
Ilyas, M., 2020. Gender Role Stereotyping and Entrepreneurial intention among Saudi Females. ITJEMAST (2020) 11 (9):2228-9860. |
2020 |
Meirun, T., Bano, S., Javaid, M.U., Arshad, M.Z., Shah, M.U., Rehman, U., Parvez, Z.A. and Ilyas, M., 2020. Nuances of COVID-19 and Psychosocial Work Environment on Nurses’ Wellbeing: The Mediating Role of Stress and Eustress in Lieu to JD-R Theory. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. |
2020 |
Ilyas, M., 2020. Explaining the Antecedent to and Intention of Setting up A Small Business among the Foreign Nationals in KSA: Mediating Role of Social Networking. Pacific Business Review International (2020) 12 (10): 0974-438X. |
2020 |
Alshammary, F., Alsadoon, B.K., Altamimi, A.A., Ilyas, M., Siddiqui, A.A., Hassan, I. and Alam, M.K., 2020. Perceptions towards Use of Electronic Dental Record at a Dental College, University of Hail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, 21(10), p.1106. |
2020 |
Rathore, H.A., Hassan, I., Ilyas, M., Alam, M.K., Amin, J., Alshammary, F. and Siddiqui, A.A., 2020. Psychological impact of COVID-19 lockdown on general population of Hail, Saudi Arabia. Medical Science, 24(106), pp.4682-4688. |
2021 |
Alshammari S, Singh A (2021), Uoh business administration college students’ perception of their learning experiences, for competency building, through studentcentered, learning approach, SMART Journal of Business Management Studies,17-2, 65-74, Print ISSN: 0973-1598. Online ISSN : 2321-2012. (ISI indexed). |
2020 |
Singh, A. (2020). A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Student Engagement at the University of Hail, Saudi Arabia, Amazonia Investiga, 181-190, ISSN 2322-6307. (ISI Indexed) |
2021 |
Abbas, M., Abbasi, S. G., Dastgeer, G., Hanif, A., Ashraf, M. (2021). Factors Causing Consumer Resistance to Innovation by Applying Resistance to Innovation Theory. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 12(2), 12A2U, 1-12. |
2020 |
Abbas, M. and Mir, N.M. (2020). Exploring Factors Influencing Consumer Resistance to Innovation by Applying Consumer.Resistance Theory. SMART Journal of Business Management Studies. 16(1) |
2021 |
S Gupta, N Nawaz, AA Alfalah, RT Naveed, S Muneer, N Ahmad (2021). The Relationship of CSR Communication on Social Media with Consumer Purchase Intention and Brand Admiration. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 16 (5), 1217-31 |
2022 |
Y Mutahar, MM Farea, M Abdulrab, YH Al-Mamary, AA Alfalah (2022). The contribution of trust to academic knowledge sharing among academics in the Malaysian research institutions. Cogent Business & Management 9 (1), 2038762 |
2021 |
A Alfalah (2021). Visualization of E-Gov Adoption Models in a Developing Region: A Review of the Predictors in Empirical Research, International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR) 17 (4), 103-121. |
2021 |
Y Mutahar, MM Farea, M Abdulrab, YH Al-Mamary, AA Alfalah, M Grada (2021). How to Enhance the Impact of Perceived Organizational Support on Knowledge Sharing? Evidence from Higher Education Sector. Journal of System and Management Sciences 11 (4), 27-46 |
2021 |
Azira Ab Aziz, Noornina Dahlan, Noor Awawdeh, Investigating The Relationship Between Student Engagement And Learning Outcomes Via Flash Card Technology In Saudi Arabia, 89 – 94, International Conference On Emerging Computational Technologies (ICECOT2021), Melaka, Malaysia, 978-967-15337©Icecot2021 |
2021 |
Noor Awawdeh, Noornina Dahlan, Azira Ab Aziz , Adapting Computer-Based Micro Learning To Enhance Student Retention Of Sql Key Terms, 95 – 99, International Conference On Emerging Computational Technologies (ICECOT2021), Melaka, Malaysia , 978-967- 15337©Icecot2021 |
2022 |
Yaser Hasan Salem Al-Mamary & Alshallaqi, M. (2022). Impact of autonomy, innovativeness, risk-taking, proactiveness, and competitive aggressiveness on students’ intention to start a new venture. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 7(4), 100239. |
2022 |
Yaser Hasan Salem Al-Mamary (2022) Understanding the Use of Learning Management Systems by Undergraduate University Students Using the UTAUT Model: Credible Evidence from Saudi Arabia, International Journal of Information Management Data Insights (Elsevier), 2(2), pp. 1-11, 100092. |
2022 |
Yaser Hasan Salem Al-Mamary & Alraja, M. M. (2022). Understanding entrepreneurship intention and behavior in the light of TPB model from the digital entrepreneurship perspective. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights, 2(2), 100106. |
2022 |
Thomran, M., Alshallaqi, M., Al-Mamary, Y. H., & Abdulrab, M. (2022). The key enablers of competitive advantage formation in small and medium enterprises: The case of the Ha’il region. Frontiers in Psychology, 6441. |
2022 |
Yaser Hasan Salem Al-Mamary (2022) Why do students adopt and use Learning Management Systems?: Insights from Saudi Arabia, International Journal of Information Management Data Insights (Elsevier), 2(2), pp. 1-9, 100088. |
2022 |
Mutahar, Yaser; Farea, M. M.; Abdulrab, M.; Al-Mamary, Y. H.; Alfalah, A. A.; & Grada, M. (2022). The contribution of trust to academic knowledge sharing among academics in the Malaysian Research Institutions. Cogent Business & Management, 19(1). |
2020 |
Al-Mamary, Y. H. S., Abdulrab, M., Alwaheeb, M. A., & Alshammari, N. G. M. (2020). Factors impacting entrepreneurial intentions among university students in Saudi Arabia: testing an integrated model of TPB and EO. Education+ Training, Vol. 62 No. 7/8, pp. 779-803. |
2020 |
Al‐Mamary, Y. H. S. (2020) Examining the factors affecting the use of ICT in teaching in Yemeni schools. Journal of Public Affairs, e2330. |
2020 |
Al-Mamary, Y. H. S. (2020) The impact of transformational leadership on organizational citizenship behaviour: Evidence from Malaysian higher education context. Human Systems Management, (Preprint), 1-13. |