The Humanities Research Center works on encouraging distinguished scientific publications of the faculty members of the humanities colleges (College of Arts, College of Education, and College of Sharia and Law) at the University of Ha’il. This process of encouragement is conducted through the following:
- Organizing periodical symposiums that are presented by members of the humanities colleges including faculty members and postgraduate students. The major objective of these symposiums is encouraging scientific and research exchange between the members of the university to introduce scientific and research updates that the researchers have achieved within their fields of research interest.
- Contributing in the improvement of the scientific research indicators of the University of Ha’il within the fields of humanities through familiarizing and encouraging research to publish in distinguished scientific journals that are indexed in Web of Sciences and/or Scopus.
- Providing consultation services to the members of humanities colleges to participate in improving the quality of their scientific researches in order to encourage researchers to publish in distinguished scientific journals that are indexed in Web of Sciences and/or Scopus to contribute in the improvement of the scientific research indicators of the university.