Mission , Vision and Goals
The Faculty of Dentistry at Hail University aspires to achieve leadership and excellence in dental sciences academically, research, clinically and communityly at the local and regional level
The Faculty of Dentistry at Hail University is committed to the professional preparation of competencies in various fields of dentistry and to contribute effectively to the service of the community and scientific research through a stimulating educational environment, dissemination and production of knowledge, good health services and an effective community partnership in accordance with quality and accreditation standards
The Faculty of Dentistry strives to achieve a set of objectives
Prepare a distinguished graduate with qualified qualification to practice dentistry with high abilities and skills
Developing applied scientific research and graduate research policies to meet the needs of Saudi society
Strengthening the relationship between the college, the community and the health sectors.
Developing a supportive and sustainable management and financialsystem
Improving the efficiency of infrastructure and technology and ensuring the maintenance of its various equipment